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How to Clean My Diamond Engagement Ring and Jewellery at Home

March 30, 2020

How to Clean My Diamond Engagement Ring and Jewellery at Home?

Cleaning your diamond jewellery at home may not be your first plan, but due to ongoing lockdowns and travel restrictions, it might be your only choice. Keeping your beloved jewellery clean is very important, dust under your diamonds block the light interactions in the stone, so there’s no point in having a beautifully cut diamond if it’s going to be dirty. It also helps with skin conditions such as dermatitis, a build-up of soap, oil or dirt beneath the band can irritate the skin and cause these issues to flare up. In this article, Garry Holloway will show you how to keep your jewellery beautifully clean from home.

Watch the video above of Garry Holloway demonstrating the proper use of our complimentary ultrasonic cleaner. He explains how to clean your diamond jewellery at home.

We offer a complimentary ultrasonic jewellery cleaner for our clients to use at home, ask us how to get your own cleaning machine and chemicals if you haven’t already got one.

Please contact us for more information or to request your complimentary ultrasonic jewellery cleaner.

*Please note, ultrasonic cleaner is suitable for diamonds, rubies and sapphires. Not suitable for emeralds & other gems.

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