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Meaning of Morganite: Why it Makes a Special Gift

February 27, 2023

Are you thinking of finding the best pink morganite jewellery as a gift? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Not only is morganite gorgeous and dazzling in its pink hue, but it also has a deep symbolic meaning that makes it an especially meaningful present. 

What Is Morganite?

Morganite is a semi-precious gemstone made from a beryl mineral. It comes in shades of pink, peach, and salmon–the very colours that make us think of love, warmth, and romance! 

Morganite was discovered in 1910 by George Kunz, the lead gemologist at Tiffany & Co. Kunz named the stone after his friend and customer J.P. Morgan, who was one of the leading jewellery collectors of the 1900s.

What Is the Meaning of Morganite?

Morganite is associated with love, romance, and innocence. It’s said to promote compassion and healing in those who wear it, especially if they are Pisces, Cancer, or Taurus. 

Why Does Morganite Make a Special Gift?

Even if you don’t believe in metaphysical pros and cons of morganite, there are many real-world, tangible reasons that make it a very special gift. Here are five of them:

1. It’s Beautiful

Morganite’s pink hue is soft and romantic, making it the perfect choice for a special occasion. Plus, the stone is known for its sparkle and clarity, which adds to its charm.

2. It’s Sturdy

Morganite has a rating of between a 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale. While this isn’t as hard as a diamond, it’s still durable enough for everyday wear and won’t scratch, chip, or break easily.

3. It’s Available in a Range of Colours

You can find morganite in pink, purple, orange, and yellowish hues. This means there is a wide range of jewellery designs to play with when it comes to morganite, making the decision-making a bit easier.

4. You Can Find Clear Morganite

Many gemstones contain inclusions–these refer to the tiny imperfections found inside the stone, which often reduce its value. It’s difficult to find a perfectly clear gemstone, but morganite is known for its clarity and can be easily found without inclusions.

5. It’s a Cost-Effective Option

We all know how the economy has changed and how expensive jewellery can be nowadays. Morganite, though, is a cost-effective alternative to more expensive gemstones like diamonds, but with the same beauty and emotional value.

When May Morganite Not Be a Good Option?

Although there are many reasons that make morganite a special gift, there are some instances when you might want to go with something else.

1. The Other Person Has an Job That Involves Physical Labour

Morganite jewellery is quite durable, but it can be damaged when exposed to excessive force or pressure. So, if the person you’re gifting has an outdoor job or is involved in any other kind of physical labour, morganite might not be the best option. In this case, a diamond is a better choice because it’s the hardest gemstone out there.

2. The Other Person Is Not a Fan of Jewellery Cleaning

Another downside to morganite is that it requires regular cleaning. The stone attracts a lot of dirt and debris, which makes it dull rather quickly. So, if the person you’re gifting to is not a fan of taking care of jewellery, morganite might not be the best option.

What to Look For in Morganite Jewelry

If you’ve decided to go with morganite as a special gift, it’s important to pay attention to its hue and clarity when making a purchase.

The Hue

The darker the hue of a morganite, the more valuable it is. If you want your gift to be truly special, look for a stone with a deep pink hue.

The Clarity

Just like with any other gemstone, the clearer the morganite is, the more valuable it is. Make sure to check the clarity and look for a stone with minimal inclusions. Because morganite is known for its clarity, any stone that has visible inclusions is likely to be very low-quality and should be avoided.

Final Thoughts

Whether it’s for an anniversary, birthday, or any other occasion, you can’t go wrong with a subtle and beautiful morganite piece for your loved one. Plus, as an added bonus, it’s also quite cost-effective–so, if you’re on a tight budget, morganite is the perfect choice. The experts at Holloway Diamonds are ready to help you find the best possible morganite piece today!

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