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When to Buy an Eternity Ring

February 27, 2023

Did your sweetheart request an eternity ring, or have you been looking forward to when you will finally get to buy it and express your undying love to your better half? In any case, eternity rings are one of the best gifts you can give.

An eternity ring is a precious metal band with a line of identically-cut gemstones. It is typically considered to be a woman’s ring, but there are no strict rules, and men can wear one, too.

As the name suggests, eternity rings in Australia symbolise endlessness and infinity. They are a token of undying love, appreciation, and respect for the recipient, who can be anyone with whom you have a special bond.

Best Times to Give an Eternity Ring

It’s okay to be confused about when you should buy an eternity ring. After all, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime moment as you will not be giving this special gift again and again. So, it’s important to offer it as a gift at just the right time. 

Wedding Anniversaries

Most couples give an eternity ring to each other on a wedding anniversary. In the past, a woman usually received this gift on her 50th or 60th wedding anniversary. 

Today, though, many women are often presented with eternity rings on their 10th or even their first wedding anniversary. Sometimes, even if a couple is not married yet, they may still choose to give each other eternity rings to celebrate the number of years they have been together thus far.

Birth of the First Child

Having a baby for the first time is an unforgettable moment for both the husband and the wife. The child’s existence is a symbol of the couple’s undying love for each other. So, what could be a better time to give an eternity ring than this? It’s a great way to thank your wife for the sacrifices she’s made to bring your baby into the world.

Purchasing Your First Home

Did you know more than half of all couples choose to purchase their first home after they’re married? Buying a home together is a big step for any couple and is a reflection of how well their marriage is working out–especially financially!

The purchase of a new home shows the devotion, commitment, and teamwork of the couple. After you get the keys to your first house and step through the door, gifting your partner an eternity ring can truly be a great way to celebrate this milestone for the both of you.

Renewal of Vows

The renewal of vows is a beautiful expression of lasting love. During a vow renewal ceremony, the couple, once again, stands at the altar to declare their love for each other in front of all the people they love most–often including their children. Adding an eternity ring to the ceremony can make this event even more special and meaningful than it already is.

The Holidays 

Christmas is usually all about decorating a Christmas tree, baking cookies, and spending time with your loved ones–but of course, one of the most fun rituals of Christmastime–or Hanukkah–involves couples expressing their love through gifts. 

So, if you and your spouse are newlyweds about to celebrate your first holiday season with one another, presenting them with an eternity ring is a great choice for a meaningful gift that will be memorable for years to come. 

In Conclusion

All in all, an eternity ring is a symbol of infinite love. You can give this ring to your partner at any special time of your life. Although most people use an eternity ring gift to celebrate an event, such as an anniversary or vow renewal, you can also give it on a holiday, or even on an ordinary day to turn it into a special one!

Finally, if you’re looking to buy a wedding ring instead of an eternity ring, be sure to take a look at our recent post on how much a wedding ring might cost.

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