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Does Diamond Jewellery Appreciate?

February 26, 2023

Diamonds are exquisite stones. Not only do they make a bold statement in terms of quality, style, and brilliance, they have the potential to increase in value over time.

Buying a diamond for yourself or somebody else makes a powerful statement and is a reflection of your taste. From white to pink diamond jewellery, Australia has some of the finest stones in the world to choose from. 

Diamonds have never been the most common choice of investments, but they can be a smart choice if you take into account the following factors when choosing your stone.

Trust an Expert

When buying your diamond, be sure to make your purchase from a renowned jeweller. Ideally, find a jeweller who is also a qualified gemologist—they should have the wisdom, experience, and market knowledge necessary to guide you toward making the best decision. Avoid buying diamonds from chain stores or places in which you are unable to get the information you need.

Choose Pink Diamonds Over White Diamonds

With advances in geological and mechanical technologies, the ability to source and sell diamonds has increased. This has, in turn, made the demand for more precious varieties of stones rise exponentially. White diamonds are no less majestic than those of any other colour, but with the white diamond boom of the 1980s behind us and the number of white diamonds in circulation so high, it may be harder for white diamonds to maintain their value over time.

You need to be picky if you want to purchase an investment-grade diamond. Larger diamonds of any colour with a high carat weight will hold and maintain value. Pink diamonds are highly sought after in the current market, even more so if you know how to value a pink diamond (excluding lab-created pink diamonds). If you own a diamond of a large size or one with exceptional colour saturation, you will be in the best position to resell the stone at a higher value later on. 

Protect Your Investment

In order to ensure you get the resale price you want for your diamond, the diamond must have been well-cared for. One of the most common problems in regard to reselling diamond jewellery is chipped and scratched diamonds. Furthermore, in order to guarantee the quality and provenance of your diamond, be sure to keep the original box and certificate, which will show buyers where the diamond was bought and the authenticity of the stone.

In Summary

Diamonds are precious stones and will always be in high demand. The aforementioned factors should be taken into consideration if your goal is to invest in diamonds, but we also advise being market-savvy and taking into account macro factors, such as inflation and the status of the economy. And remember, like any investment, there is always risk involved.

For the best high-quality diamonds that are more likely to appreciate in value over the years, be sure to choose jewellery from a reliable seller like Holloway Diamonds. We’re ready to make your diamond-buying process a breeze, no matter what you may be looking for!

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