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How to Get a Valuation Certificate for Jewellery

February 02, 2023

Every piece of sentimental jewellery is precious. Whether it was bought in a store, passed down as an heirloom, or crafted as custom-made jewellery in Melbourne, your piece must be properly valued. Many jewellers and retailers will provide a valuation certificate with your purchase, except in certain cases (such as discount sales), but in case yours doesn’t come with one or you need to get your piece re-valued, you can get a valuation with a corresponding valuation certificate from a registered and qualified jeweller.

Holloway Diamonds goes beyond valuation certificates; each diamond also comes with HCA and Ideal-Scope assessments to ensure the value and quality of your jewellery.

What Is a Valuation Certificate?

A jewellery valuation or valuation certificate is a document that provides a detailed description and a value judgement of a piece of jewellery. The latter is based on the features of the piece and current market conditions.

A valuation certificate typically includes the following information:

  • Type of jewellery
  • Metal type and weight
  • Stone description and weight
  • Laboratory certificate number of the main diamond or certified stones
  • Length of chains, bracelets, or strands
  • Current insurance value

Valuation doesn’t always coincide with the price that you may buy or sell a piece of jewellery; the valuation is almost always higher than the price.

Valuation Certificate Versus Diamond Certificate

A valuation certificate is different from a diamond certificate. The former provides a comprehensive look into the piece as a whole concerning certain market conditions. The latter is a document that gives in-depth details about the diamond only, without ascribing any value to it; instead, it’s only meant to authenticate, identify, or educate. If you have diamond jewellery, it’s best to have both in hand.

Why Get a Jewellery Valuation?

A jewellery valuation could help you get a better understanding of the value of your piece in case it was ever lost, damaged, or stolen. It’s often done for insurance purposes, but getting your item valued is also important for the following purposes and situations:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Estate distribution
  • Divorce settlement
  • Private sale
  • Auction reserve
  • Damage assessment claim
  • Family heirloom protection

How to Get a Jewellery Valuation

Jewellery valuation isn’t simply looking at a piece of jewellery and guessing the price. It requires a high level of expertise and the use of specialised equipment, which is why you must have it done by a registered professional.

In Australia, an individual doesn’t have to be part of a professional body to value jewellery. It’s up to you to find a qualified person to do it. A good place to start is the National Council of Jewellery Valuers (NCJV), an independent body that upholds high standards of jewellery valuation in the country. Only those with the proper training and professional development are allowed to register in the council, so you can be sure that you’re having your piece valued by a true expert.

In some cases, insurance companies have a list of specific valuation experts that you must do the process with; check your policy before having your piece valued if it’s for this purpose.

Once you have found a suitable and trustworthy valuer, you’ll often need to set an appointment with them at their office. You may have to leave your jewellery for them to get a proper look at it, then come back for the results on another day.

Tips for Getting Jewellery Valued

Follow these tips when having your jewellery valued to ensure that you’re getting the right valuations:

Only Trust the Experts

A valuation certificate is a legal document of your jewellery. To ensure that it contains accurate information, you’ll want to go to trained and accredited or registered valuers who have the knowledge, skills, and training to properly examine your pieces with the necessary equipment.

Keep Your Valuation Updated

Because valuations are based on current market conditions, you’ll have to regularly update them to keep up with the times. It’s recommended to do it every two to three years. Some valuers even provide discounts to return customers, so it’s worth asking about it the next time you go for a valuation.

Check Your Jewellery Regularly

Jewellery can get damaged, and these chips, dents, or loose settings can affect your piece’s valuation. Have your jewellery regularly checked for these. Some insurance policies even stipulate how often you should do it, especially if you’re carrying a particularly high-value item.

The Best High-Value Jewellery From Holloway Diamonds

Jewellery valuation is a must for any jewellery owner. It’s a good start to get your pieces from a shop that already provides these types of certifications. Holloway Diamonds goes above and beyond, also offering HCA and Ideal-Scope assessments for their custom-made jewellery. Get your next piece from Holloway Diamonds today!

Looking for details regarding the diamond classification chart? We’ve got you covered–check out our latest post!

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