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Difference Between Morganite and Diamond

March 31, 2023

Morganite and diamonds are two popular gemstones often compared due to their beauty and popularity in jewellery. While both gems have unique qualities and advantages, there are several key differences between the two worth considering if you’re purchasing a piece of jewellery featuring either of these stones. 

From physical properties and appearance to their value and cultural significance, morganite and diamonds each have their own unique qualities and characteristics that set them apart. Understanding these differences can help you make an informed decision between these two beautiful and timeless gemstones.

What Is Morganite?

Morganite is a beryl mineral that’s renowned for its gorgeous pink-to-peach colour. It is prized for its toughness and scarcity, making it a popular choice in jewellery, such as the highly sought-after morganite necklaces. Its attractive hue, durability, and rarity make it highly desirable.

What Makes Morganite So Appealing?

Morganite is a gemstone that has been growing in popularity recently, particularly in the jewellery industry. Even morganite engagement rings are popular, and there are several factors that make morganite so appealing to gem enthusiasts, jewellery designers, and consumers alike.

Colour is one of the most striking features of morganite. The stone is known for its unique and delicate pale pink to peach hue, which sets it apart from other gemstones. This soft colour is particularly appealing to those looking for a gemstone with a gentle, feminine touch. The pastel shades of morganite also make it an ideal choice for spring and summer jewellery, adding a pop of colour to any outfit.

Durability is another factor that makes morganite so appealing. With a hardness rating between a 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale, morganite is a durable option for everyday wear. The gemstone is also known for its high resistance to scratches, making it a practical choice for jewellery that will be worn frequently.

Affordability is also a key factor that makes morganite so appealing. Morganite is more affordable than diamonds, making it a great option for those on a budget who still want a high-quality gemstone. This affordability makes morganite an accessible option for those looking to invest in beautiful jewellery they can wear daily.

Finally, morganite also has a symbolic meaning, making it particularly appealing to those looking for a meaningful piece of jewellery. The stone represents love, compassion, and emotional healing, so it is quite a popular choice for engagement rings and other sentimental jewellery pieces. Whether you’re looking for a gift for a loved one or a piece of jewellery to celebrate a special moment in your life, morganite is a versatile and meaningful choice.

Comparing Morganite and Diamonds: Key Differences

While morganite and diamonds both have their own unique qualities and advantages, several key differences between them can help you choose the right one.

  1. Hardness: Diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring mineral, and are a 10 on the Mohs scale. Morganite has a hardness rating between a 7.5 and 8.
  2. Colour: Diamonds are usually colourless or have a slight yellow or brown tint, while Morganite is a pale pink to peach colour.
  3. Cost: Diamonds tend to be more expensive than Morganite due to their scarcity and higher demand.
  4. Durability: Diamonds are highly durable and scratch-resistant, while Morganite is more prone to scratches and cracks.
  5. Cut: Diamonds are typically cut into round or princess shapes, while Morganite can be cut into various shapes, including rounds, ovals, cushions, and princess cuts.
  6. Symbolism: Diamonds are often associated with love, commitment, and timelessness, while Morganite represents love, compassion, and emotional healing.

How Is Morganite Sourced?

Morganite gemstones are sourced from several locations, with most of the world’s supply coming from Madagascar, Brazil, and Afghanistan. In Madagascar, morganite is found in the pegmatite deposits of the Anjanabonoina region. These deposits are known for producing large, high-quality morganite crystals prized by gemstone dealers and collectors.

Brazil is another major producer of morganite, with many mines in the Maraba and Maraba Sapphire fields. These mines are known for producing smaller, but still high-quality, morganite gems favoured for their delicate pink hues.

Afghanistan is another important source of morganite, with many mines in the Kokcha River valley. These mines are known for producing smaller, but highly prized, morganite gems with a unique range of colours, including pink, yellow, and green.

In Conclusion

Morganite and diamonds are both popular gemstones with unique characteristics and qualities. Morganite is prized for its delicate pink-to-peach colour and durability, while diamonds are known for their hardness, brilliance, and fire. 

When choosing between these two gemstones, consider your personal style and preferences, as well as the intended use of the jewellery. Whether you’re drawn to the soft beauty of morganite or the timeless sparkle of diamonds, both gemstones are beautiful and can add a special touch to any piece of jewellery.

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